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Good Morning Beckettville

branding. advertisement design.


Good Morning Beckettville/The Hiram Beckett Company is a fictional news show/business created as a design exercise and in no way represents a real app, company, or entity.


The Hiram Beckett Company is a large corporation located in middle America. They own several businesses that cater to the needs of the recently revived.


One of these businesses is the news show, Good Morning Beckettville. Hosted by two high-energy ghouls, Adam and Janet, you're legally required to love their witty banter and lighthearted stories.



Good Morning Beckettville is your new favorite news station. Impossibly average in every way, your hosts Adam and Janet deliver your mandatory daily updates each and every day. Their branding is a representation of sunset over the tootally non-toxic lakes of Beckettville. 

Business Cards

Business Cards

Business Cards


As the citizens of Beckettville know, having business cards on you at all times is not only mandatory, but punishable by expulsion to the unspoken zone. So keep your business cards close and a secondary form of identification even closer!

Digital Advertisement

Good Morning Beckettville is required viewing by all citizens twice daily, so while they don't need to advertise their programming, they're proud to have ads on every available billboard within city limits.

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