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Born in New York, Emily has always enjoyed entertaining. As a child, she loved creating silly videos with her younger sister.


One Christmas they presented their mom with a self produced album of Christmas songs. Their mother's excitement quickly faded after giving it a listen, as it consisted almost completely of silly-voiced covers and exaggerated impressions. That album is still in Emily's CD collection.


Emily originally had aspirations of teaching music to children. She was a double bassist for thirteen years, but after an injury she had to withdraw from playing music.


Not wanting to abandon her passion, she searched for careers that would still let her pursue her love of music and sound. She landed in New York City learning about audio production from Grammy Award nominated audio engineers. 


After working as a sound editor and designer for a few years, Emily wanted to get more involved in the video editing and color correction side of post production. She followed this curiosity to Florida and studied to become the designer and editor she is today. 


Now, Emily gets to put all of her creative knowledge together as the SVP of Marketing at Megaleio Media. Headlining the marketing of their new audio drama streaming service Storymore, Emily looks forward to growing with her new family.



Emily offers a wide range of services including graphic and web design, branding, video and audio editing, sound design, and music composition. Let's work together!

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